Topic Modeling in R

Topic modeling
Text mining
unsupervised learning
Unveiling Hidden Structures in Text Data

Changjun Lee


May 6, 2023


Topic modeling is an unsupervised machine learning technique used to discover latent structures within a large collection of documents or text data. This technique is particularly useful for exploring, organizing, and understanding vast text corpora. One popular method for topic modeling is Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which is a generative probabilistic model that assumes a mixture of topics over documents and words within topics. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of LDA and demonstrate how to perform topic modeling in R using the ‘topicmodels’ package.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA):

LDA is based on the idea that documents are mixtures of topics, where each topic is a probability distribution over a fixed vocabulary. The generative process for LDA can be summarized as follows:

  1. For each topic k, sample a word distribution φk ~ Dir(β).

  2. For each document d, sample a topic distribution θd ~ Dir(α).

  3. For each word w in document d, sample a topic zd, w ~ Multinomial(θd), then sample the word wd, n ~ Multinomial(φz).

Here, Dir(α) and Dir(β) denote Dirichlet distributions with parameters α and β, respectively. α and β are hyperparameters controlling the shape of the distributions. The main goal of LDA is to infer the latent topic structures θ and φ by observing the documents.

Performing LDA in R:

We will use the ‘topicmodels’ package in R to perform LDA. First, let’s install and load the necessary packages:

# install.packages("topicmodels")
# install.packages("tm")
Loading required package: NLP

Now, let’s preprocess our text data using the ‘tm’ package. For this example, we will use the ‘AssociatedPress’ dataset, which is available within the ‘topicmodels’ package:

dtm <- AssociatedPress
<<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 6, terms: 10473)>>
Non-/sparse entries: 1045/61793
Sparsity           : 98%
Maximal term length: 18
Weighting          : term frequency (tf)

Now, we are ready to fit the LDA model using the ‘LDA’ function from the ‘topicmodels’ package. We will specify the number of topics (K) and the hyperparameters α and β:

K <- 10 # Number of topics
alpha <- 50/K
beta <- 0.1
lda_model <- LDA(dtm, K, method = "Gibbs", control = list(alpha = alpha, delta = beta, iter = 1000, verbose = 50))
K = 10; V = 10473; M = 2246
Sampling 1000 iterations!
Iteration 50 ...
Iteration 100 ...
Iteration 150 ...
Iteration 200 ...
Iteration 250 ...
Iteration 300 ...
Iteration 350 ...
Iteration 400 ...
Iteration 450 ...
Iteration 500 ...
Iteration 550 ...
Iteration 600 ...
Iteration 650 ...
Iteration 700 ...
Iteration 750 ...
Iteration 800 ...
Iteration 850 ...
Iteration 900 ...
Iteration 950 ...
Iteration 1000 ...
Gibbs sampling completed!

Here, we use the Gibbs sampling method to estimate the LDA parameters with 1000 iterations. The ‘verbose’ option is set to 50, which means that the progress will be displayed every 50 iterations.

Once the model is fitted, we can extract the topic-word and document-topic distributions using the ‘posterior’ function:

posterior_lda <- posterior(lda_model)
       Length Class  Mode   
terms  104730 -none- numeric
topics  22460 -none- numeric

To visualize the results, we can display the top words for each topic:

top_words <- 10
top_terms <- terms(lda_model, top_words)

for (k in 1:K) {
  cat("Topic", k, ":", paste(top_terms[k,], collapse = " "), "\n")
Topic 1 : new program court bush police i united million government percent 
Topic 2 : school report case house two people states company party market 
Topic 3 : city health attorney president people dont soviet billion south year 
Topic 4 : york state office dukakis killed like west year political prices 
Topic 5 : students system judge campaign miles just east new president million 
Topic 6 : show medical law committee officials think american workers soviet new 
Topic 7 : year officials state congress three get world business people higher 
Topic 8 : high department charges bill fire day foreign corp national rose 
Topic 9 : john study federal senate four time war money country oil 
Topic 10 : last problems trial new spokesman going military inc communist dollar 

This will output the top 10 words for each of the 10 topics in our LDA model.


In this blog post, we introduced the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) method for topic modeling and demonstrated