Changjun LEE
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
College of Computing and Informatics
- School of Convergence.
Dep. of Culture & Technology (Head)
Graduate Schools (I affiliated in):
Dep. of Interaction Science
Dep. of Immersive Media Engineering
(Metaverse Graduate School)
As a computational social scientist, I bring a unique interdisciplinary perspective to the fields of economics, innovation studies, and convergence technologies. With a background in natural sciences, including a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry, I went on to earn a Ph.D. in technology management, economics, and policy. My research focuses on utilizing computational methods to tackle a wide range of social phenomena, including technology evolution & regional growth, knowledge management, and technology & convergence innovation. I am passionate about using technology and data to drive innovation and solve real-world problems.
Research #Innovation #Media #Culture&Tech #Public_Policy
Teaching #DataScience #Computational_Social_Science #Culture&Tech
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Republic of Korea
College of Computing and Informatics
School of Convergence
Dep. of Culture & Technology (Head)- Associate Professor (2023 ~ present)
Hanyang University (ERICA), Ansan, Republic of Korea
Department of Media & Social Informatics- Associate Professor (2022 ~ 2023)
- Assistant Professor (2019 ~ 2022)
University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Spatial Dynamics Lab- Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2017 ~ 2019)
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy- Postdoctoral Research Associate (2015 ~ 2017)
Ph.D. in Economics (Technology Management)
- Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2010 - 2015)
Technology Management, Economics, and Policy Program
Dissertation: Research on the Growth Mechanism of Platform Ecosystem
- Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2010 - 2015)
B.Sc. in Biology & Chemistry
- Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2004 - 2010)
Culture & Technology: 2024-S, 2023-F
Data-Science101: 2024-S, 2022-F, 2021-F, 2020-F/S, 2019-F
Machine Learning 101: 2024-F, 2023-S, 2022-S, 2021-S, 2020-F
Database101: 2022-S, 2021-S, 2020-S
Basic Math & Statistics for Data Science: 2021-S
(Grad) Media & Data-Science: 2023-S, 2022-S, 2021-S
(Grad) Media User Data Analysis: 2022-F
(Grad) Statistics for Interaction Science: 2024-F
(Grad) Imersive Media Culture & Technology: 2024-F
Capstone Design: 2021-S
Internal and External Positions
한국방송학보 편집위원 (2023~)
한국언론학보 편집위원 (2023~)
한국혁신학회지 부편집위원장 (2021~)
정보사회와미디어 편집위원 (2023~)
정보통신정책학회지 편집위원 (2022~)
디지털경제사회연구 편집위원 (2024~)
한국언론학회 (The Korean Society for Journalism & communication Studies)
- 총무이사 (51대, 2025)
- 연구이사 (49대, 2023)
한국방송학회 (Korean Association for Broadcasting & Telecommunication Studies)
- 연구이사 (34대, 2023; 36대, 2024)
미디어경영학회 (Korea Media Management Association)
- 총무이사 (2023-2024)
- 연구이사 (2022)
사이버커뮤니케이션학회 (Cyber Communication Academic Society)
- 총무이사 (2022)
- 기획이사 (2023-2024)
- 운영이사 (2024)
자문 위원 활동
정보통신정책연구원 (2022 ~ 현재)
한국과학기술기획평가원 (2023 ~ 현재)
한국생산기술연구원 (2021 ~ 2023)
마이크로밀엠브레인 (2023 ~ 현재)
NAVER (2024)
2023. 성균관대학교 글로벌융합학부 컬처앤테크놀로지 Best Professor.
2022. 한국미디어경영학회 우수 논문 학술상.
2022. 한양대학교 우수업적 특별 승진.
2021. 한양대학교 에리카 국제연구부문 학술상 (신진교원상).
2021. IC-PBL 루키 부문 우수상 수상.
- 한국방송학회, ‘대한민국 온라인 콘텐츠 산업 진단’ 기획 세미나 개최
- 온라인 플랫폼 규제…“사회적 논의 반영할 수 있는 방안에 대해 고민해야”
- 한국언론학회 정기학술대회, 네이버 특별세션
- [이데일리] 빅테크, M&A로 엔터산업 공략…국내기업 글로벌 확장 지원 필요
- [성대의 성대한 특강] 사람에서 장소로: 우리 모두가 공유하는 회복탄력성 레시피
- [매일경제] 인공지능 시대, 언론은 살아남을 수 있을까
- [현장]언론의 생성AI 도입, 기회일까 위기일까(블루오션테크미디어)
- 21세기 우리가 알아야 할 필수 과목, 정보통신(The Science Times)
- “韓클라우드 시장, 美中 공룡기업 놀이터로” (매일경제)
- [매일경제] 이창준 교수, 클라우드 보안인증제도(CSAP) 완화에 대해 코멘트 (NewsH)
- [신문 읽어주는 교수님] 늦은 밤 넷플릭스 시청이 수면에 미치는 영향 (NewsH)
- 수면 루틴 깨는 OTT…잠자리 26분 늦어지고 수면시간 30분 줄어 (디지털데일리)
- 넷플릭스 유튜브 보느라 얼마나 늦게 잠드나요? (미디어오늘)
- 서울대학교 기술경영경제정책 대학원 졸업생 멘토링 세미나
- 에퀴즈 온 더 블럭 (사랑한대)
- 한양대 슬기로운 새내기 생활(교수님편)
- ERICA 방송국 VOH와 취중젠담 1편
- ERICA 방송국 VOH와 취중젠담 2편
- 알고리즘, 누구냐 넌! (한대신문)
- 너란 SNS 광고 (한대신문)
Graduate Alumni
김종화(Ph.D. Student @University of Georgia)
박지은(연구원 @미디어미래연구소)
국가연구자번호: 11291477
International SSCI or SCIE
Choi, Y., Lee, C.*, & Han, S. (2024). Predicting wearable IoT Adoption: Identifying core consumers through Machine learning algorithms. Telematics and Informatics, 102176.
Choi, Y., Han, S., & Lee, C.* (2024). Exploring Drivers of Fintech Adoption Among Elderly Consumers. Technology in Society, 102669.
Kim, K., Maliphol, S., Shim, D., & Lee, C.* (2024). Exploring the interplay between social distancing, innovation adoption, and privacy concerns amid the COVID-19 crisis. Science and Public Policy, scae024.
Lee, C., & Ji, S. W. (2024). Strategies for launching streaming content: Assessing movie-country relatedness and its impact on international popularity. Plos one, 19(6), e0305433.
Choi Y.W. & Lee, C.* (2024). Time-of-Day and Day-of-Week Effects on TV and OTT Media Choices: Evidence from South Korea. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. 19(1), 1-19.
Lee, C., Na, C. & Kim, K. (2023). The effect of watching OTT late at night on the sleep pattern of users. Sleep Biol. Rhythms, 21, 395–407.
Kim, J. & Lee, C.* (2023). The Return of the King: The Importance of Killer Content in a Competitive OTT Market. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. 18(2), 976-994.
Na, C. H., Lee, C. & Kim, E. D.* (2023). The Optimal Open Innovation Strategy with Science-based Partners for Venture Firm’s Innovation Capabilities: Focusing on Innovation Modes. Science, Technology and Society, 28(2), 235-256.
Liu, H. S., Lee, C., Kim, K., Lee, J., Moon, A., Lee, D., & Park, M. (2023). An Analysis of Factors Influencing the Intention to Use” Untact” Services by Service Type. Sustainability, 15(4), 2870.
Shim, D., Lee, C., & Oh, I. (2022). Analysis of OTT Users’ Watching Behavior for Identifying a Profitable Niche: Latent Class Regression Approach. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 17(4), 1564-1580.
Kim, K., Kogler, D. F., Lee, C., & Kang, T.* (2022). Changes in regional knowledge bases and its effect on local labour markets in the midst of transition: Evidence from France over 1985–2015. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 1-22.
Shon, M., Lee, D. & Lee, C.(2022). Inward or Outward? Direction of Knowledge Flow and Firm Efficiency. International Journal of Technology Management. 90(1-2), 102-121.
Park, I., Lee, J., Lee, D., Lee, C., & Chung, W. Y.* (2022). Changes in consumption patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analyzing the revenge spending motivations of different emotional groups. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65, 102874.
Lee, C., Shin, H., Kim, K., & Kogler, D. F.* (2022). The effects of regional capacity in knowledge recombination on production efficiency. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 180, 121669.
Jung, E., Lee, C.*, & Hwang, J. (2022). Effective strategies to attract crowdfunding investment based on the novelty of business ideas. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 178, 121558.
Jeon, H., & Lee, C.* (2022). Internet of Things Technology: Balancing Privacy Concerns with Convenience. Telematics and Informatics. 70, 101816.
Kogler, D. F., Davies, R. B., Lee, C., & Kim, K.* (2022). Regional knowledge spaces: the interplay of entry-relatedness and entry-potential for technological change and growth. The Journal of Technology Transfer. 1-24.
Tóth, G., Elekes, Z., Whittle, A., Lee, C.*, & Kogler, D. F. (2022). Technology network structure conditions the economic resilience of regions. Economic Geography. 98(4), 1-24.
Jo, H., Park, S., Shin, D., Shin, J.*, & Lee, C. (2022). Estimating cost of fighting against fake news during catastrophic situations. Telematics and Informatics. 66, 101734.
Park, I., Shim, H., Kim, J., Lee, C., & Lee, D.* (2022). The Effects of Popularity Metrics in News Comments on the Formation of Public Opinion: Evidence from an Internet Portal Site. The Social Science Journal. doi:
Kim, K., Lee, J., & Lee, C.(2022). Which innovation type is better for production efficiency? A comparison between product/service, process, organizational, and marketing innovations using stochastic frontier and meta-frontier analysis. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. doi:
Rocchetta, S., Mina, A., Lee, C., & Kogler, F. D. (2022). Technological Knowledge Space and the Resilience of European Regions. Journal of Economic Geography. 22(1), 27-51.* doi:
Lee, C., Cho, H., & Lee, D.* (2021). The mechanism of innovation spill-over across sub-layers in the ICT industry. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation. 29(2), 159-179. doi:
Jung, S., Kim, K. & Lee, C.(2021). The nature of ICT in technology convergence: A knowledge-based network analysis. PLOS ONE. 16(7): e0254424.
Na, C., Lee, D., Hwang, J., & Lee, C.* (2021). Strategic Groups Emerged by Selecting R&D Collaboration Partners and Firms’ Efficiency. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation. 29(1), 109-133. doi:
Lee, C., Lee, D., & Shon, M.* (2020). Effect of efficient triple-helix collaboration on organizations based on their stage of growth. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 58, 101604.
Lee, C., Kogler, D.F., & Lee, D.* (2019). Capturing Information on Technology Convergence, International Collaboration, and Knowledge Flow from Patent Document: A Case of Information and Communication Technology. Information Processing & Management. 56(4), 1576-1591. doi:1016/j.ipm.2018.09.007
Kim, E.H.W.* & Lee, C. (2019). Does Working Long Hours Cause Marital Dissolution? Evidence from the Reduction in South Korea’s Workweek Standard. Asian Population Studies. 15(1), 87-104. doi:1080/17441730.2019.1565131
Kim E.H.W.*, Lee, C., & Do, Y.K. (2019). The Effect of Adult Children’s Working Times on Visiting with Elderly Parents: A Natural Experiment in Korea. Population Research and Policy Review. 38(1), 53-72. doi:1007/s11113-018-9486-0
- Featured in: Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao (In Chinese)
Lee, C.* & Hwang, J. (2018). The Influence of Giant Platform on Content Diversity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 136, 157-165. doi:1016/j.techfore.2016.11.029
Kim, E.H.W.*, Lee, C., & Do Y.K. (2018). The Effect of a Reduced Statutory Workweek on Familial Long-Term Care in Korea. Journal of Aging and Health. 30(10), 1620-1641. doi:1177/0898264318797469
- Poster Session Winner, 2018 Population Association of America Conference
Lee, C. & Kim, H.* (2018). The Evolutionary Trajectory of ICT Ecosystem: A Network Analysis based on Media User Data. Information & Management. 55(6), 795-805. doi:1016/
- Best Paper Award, 2015 Korea Media Panel Conference
Lee, C., Shin, J., & Hong, A.* (2018). Does Social Media Use Really Make People Politically Polarized? Direct and Indirect Effects of Social Media Use on Political Polarization. Telematics and Informatics. 35(1), 245-254. doi:1016/j.tele.2017.11.005
Na, H.S., Lee, D., Hwang, J., & Lee, C.(2018). Research on the Mutual Relations between ISP and ASP Efficiency Changes for the Sustainable Growth of Internet Industry. Applied Economics. 50(11), 1238-1253. doi:1080/00036846.2017.1358443
Lee, C., Kim, J.H., & Lee, D.* (2017). Intra-industry Innovation, Spillovers, and Industry Evolution: Evidence from the Korean ICT industry. Telematics and Informatics. 34(8), 1503-1513. doi:1016/j.tele.2017.06.013
Lee, C., Jung, S., & Kim, K.O.* (2017). Effect of a Policy Intervention on Handset Subsidies on the Intention to Change Handsets and Households’ Expenses in Mobile Telecommunications. Telematics and Informatics. 34(8), 1524-1531. doi:1016/j.tele.2017.06.017
Lee, C., Kim, H., & Hong, A.* (2017). Ex-post Evaluation of Illegalizing Juvenile Online Game after Midnight: A Case of Shutdown Policy in South Korea. Telematics and Informatics. 34(8), 1597-1606. doi:1016/j.tele.2017.07.006
- Cited in Nature Editorial
Lee, C., Lee, K., & Lee, D.* (2017). Mobile Healthcare Applications and Gamification for Sustained Health Maintenance. 9(5), 772. doi:10.3390/su9050772
Lee, C., Lee, D.*, & Hwang, J. (2015). Platform Openness and the Productivity of Content Providers: A meta-frontier analysis. Telecommunications Policy. 39(7). 553-562. doi:1016/j.telpol.2014.06.010
Korean Citation Index (KCI) Journals
Park, J., Lee, S., & Lee, C.* (2023) Effect of psychological factors and household composition of seniors on active SNS use : Focusing on self-esteem, need for cognition and household composition. Information Society & Media. 24(3), 1-35.
Lee, S., Choi, Y., Park, Y., & Lee, C.* (2023) The Effects of Metaverse Users Social and Psychological Characteristics on Avatar Customization. Journal of Cybercommunication Academic Society. 40(2), 1-52.
Choi, M. & Lee, C.* (2022). The effect of Online Community Activities in Non-face-to-face Situations on Life Satisfaction : Focusing on the Comparison between Before(2017) and After(2021) COVID-19. Information Society & Media. 23(3), 83-124.
Yeom, J., Lee, S., & Lee, C.* (2022). Analysis of the Characteristics of Extreme Patriotism and Psychological Motives by Understanding the Cyber Conflict Between Chinese Fandom Patriotism and Hallyu Fandom. Journal of Cybercommunication Academic Society. 39(4). 5-49.
Kang, S., Seo, Y., & Lee, C.* (2022). A Study of the Development of Sectoral Digital Transformation Conflict Indicator. Information Society & Media. 23(1), 41-68.
- Best Paper Award, 2022 Korea Media Management Association
Kim, K., Lee, J., & Lee, C.* (2021). Exploratory Analysis of Knowledge Structure and Evolutionary Trajectory in Korean Artificial Intelligence for Effective Technology Policy. Korean Innovation Study, 16(3). DOI:
Jo, H., Oh, M., Shin, J.*, & Lee, C. (2021). Identifying Fake news in the Disastrous situations: Video versus Text. Journal of Cybercommunication Academic Society, 38(2). DOI:
Roh, T., Jo, G., & Lee, C.* (2021). Coincidence Analysis with International Patent Classification (IPC) Network of US ICT Companies: Focusing on Technology Similarity and Application. Korean Innovation Study, 16(2). doi:
Lee, C., Woo, H.J., & Park, S.B. (2020). Factors of newly entering into the purchase on TV home-shopping: Random Forest Analysis based on users’ media repertoire data. Korean Innovation Study, 15(2), 113-149. doi:
Kim, M.K., Lee, C., & Hong, A. (2016). The Analysis of Media Usage Pattern for Effective Diffusion of Information. Information Society & Media. 17(1). 77-113. doi:
Book chapters
- Lee, C. & Bae, Y. (2019). Development of Information Communication Technology Industry and Public Policy in South Korea, In Ahn, M.J., & Kim, Y. (Eds.), Public Administration and Public Policy in Korea. Springer. Doi: